Four Things To Consider Before Buying A Speaker For Computers
February 18, 2023


When budgeting for a computer speaker, the most significant factor is your desired sound quality. If you are looking for top-of-the-line, professional audio, be prepared to spend upwards of $200.

Conversely, if you want something to play your music and provide basic sound, you can find a perfectly serviceable speaker for under $50. It is essential to remember that cheaper speakers may require an amplifier to reach their full potential, so factor that into your budget.


When it comes to speakers for computers, size is an important consideration. There are a few factors to remember when determining what size speaker is right for you.

First, consider the size of your computer. If you have a small laptop, you’ll want to ensure the speakers you choose are compact. On the other hand, if you have a giant desktop computer, you can afford to go with more prominent speakers.

Second, think about the spare space on your desk or in your room for the speakers. Smaller speakers will be a better option if you’re tight on space. But if you have plenty of room to spare, you can go with more prominent speakers.

Finally, think about how many people will use the speakers at once. One set of small speakers should suffice if it’s just for personal use. But if you plan on having friends over to listen to music or watch movies together, you’ll need a more extensive set of speakers to fill the room with sound.

Sound Quality

Regarding audio quality, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, think about the types of sounds you want to be able to hear. If you’re primarily looking for music playback, you’ll want to prioritize frequency response and distortion levels. If you’re more interested in gaming or movies, you might want to focus on surround sound capabilities and bass response.

Once you know what’s most important to you, please look at the speakers’ specs you’re considering and see how they stack up. Pay attention to things like wattage (higher is usually better), drivers (more significant is generally better), and frequency response (more comprehensive is usually better). These will give you a good idea of what kind of sound quality you can expect from a gifted speaker.

Finally, don’t forget to read online reviews before making your final decision. See what other people have been saying about the speakers’ sound quality. This can give you a good sense of whether or not a particular model is worth its price tag.


One of the most important things to consider when looking for a new speaker for your computer is portability. How easy is it to move the speaker around, and how does it fit into your lifestyle?

If you travel frequently or have a small living space, you’ll want a speaker that’s easy to take on the go. A portable Bluetooth speaker is a great option, as it can easily be thrown into your bag and taken wherever you go.

If you’re more of a homebody, then size and weight might not be a big concern. But if you still want to move your speaker around occasionally, look for one with a built-in handle or carrying case.

Wireless or Wired?

There are two main types of speakers for computers: wireless and wired. You should consider both pros and cons before making a purchase.

Wired speakers are usually cheaper than wireless models and don’t require battery power, so they’re always ready to use. They also typically have better sound quality than wireless speakers since there’s no risk of interference from other electronic devices. However, wired speakers can be a bit of a hassle to set up, and they’re not as portable as wireless models.

Wireless speakers conveniently move them around your home or office without worrying about tangled wires. They also tend to be more stylish than wired models; some even come with built-in batteries so you can use them outdoors. However, wireless speakers can be more expensive than their wired counterparts, and they may have a shorter range or poorer sound quality due to interference from other electronic devices.